


where do you feel drawn to ignite YOur somatic healing journey?

intensive sessions


Remote or in-person

Weekend intensive deep dives


Group work

Private one-on-one sessions




 what is the comprehensive resource model?

The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) was developed by Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed. This is an ever-evolving Trauma Treatment Modality meant to bring people back to their natural state of wholeness. The CRM approach to repairing the mind-body connection is a breakthrough development in the field of psychotherapy. CRM involves breathwork, attachment, grounding, embodiment, sacred geometry, sound healing, ancestral, generational and life giving resources in a natural, organic and non-intimidating fashion.

When the brain and body experience a life threatening situation once or repeatedly, the brain reacts by telling the body to create a defense response to protect us from ever having that experience again. These defenses such as hide, avoid, submit, fight, fight, freeze, dissociate, collapse over time cause emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression, panic attacks, or an inability to trust or maintain healthy relationships. These are the reasons people seek therapy.

From session to session the client engages with their internal attachment neurobiology through the use of anchored eye positions which assures the brain’s ability to confidently access and reconsolidate brain and body trauma memory. Once these memories aka “truth of our lives” are safely stepped in to and fully experienced, the brain no longer needs to tell the body to defend against joyful life interactions like sleep, playfulness or expressing love. This model fosters independence and self reliance, rather than a dependence on the therapist. The goal of CRM is to help the client neurologically re-member who they truly are, which allows them to live this life in a deeply connected, embodied, loving and peaceful state.


special sliding scale Rates for 2024

$135 - $180 per 60 min individual session

$200 - $250 per 90 min individual session

$75 per 90 min Group work

Intensives and Couples Therapy rates differ, call for more info

Sarah is now offering residential, private weekend intensives in Ventura, CA. This offering is intended for the individual or couple desiring deep, profound personal and relational transformation of unwanted bonding patterns to self and other.

If interested in a weekend intensive, please call Sarah for consultation and scheduling.



No insurance panels accepted at this time

Superbills provided upon request


Payment Methods

Visa, Mastercard, Discover

Zelle : Sarah J Lepore

Paypal : Chakra Strength


Telehealth and in-person sessions available